And you think the boomers got together and did this? Sort of a boomer conspiracy to ruin your life. Why? So we could enrich not ourselves but the 1 percent. I don't know how much political power you have but I have absolutely ZERO. I vote and that's the extent of my say in things.
I'm curious, if you were born a boomer, what exactly would you have done differently? I played the hand I was dealt. I sure don't remember any "free" health care when I was growing up in southern California. It seems like a financial crisis any time we have occasion to visit the doctor or dentist. I did not have any healthcare until I got my first elementary school teaching assignment.
As a public school teacher, insurance came with the job. I suppose out of good conscious you would have refused that benefit. The job came with a pension, but I suppose you would have turned that down too.
I bought a piece of shit broken down house that I slowly remodeled myself. If something broke, I fixed it. We never had the money to hire anything out. Shortly after we bought our house, the sewer line from the house to the city sewer backed up. I dug out 140 feet of clay pipe, root-infested sewer line, and replaced it with 4-inch ABS pipe by myself. Oh, we raised five kids in that spacious two-bedroom, one-bath, 1300-square-foot house where we still live today.
I'm well aware that upward mobility stopped with my generation, but I sure as hell had no say in that. What I did was help my kids get into houses of their own and I helped them financially in every way I could — all on two elementary school teacher’s salaries. Imagine that.
I’m really sorry my work ethic and personal sacrifice ruined your life.
My youngest, a millennial, lived with us in a garage apartment until he was 32. He saved until he could buy a flood-damaged home that he could afford. It was a real gem with all the sheetrock and insulation torn out 4 feet from the floor, all carpets gone, cabinets waterlogged, appliances shot, and a long way from being up to code. We rehabbed it together, no help needed.
So you can take your hate and sharpen your aim. I don't have jack shit to do with your situation. I hate the evolution of capitalism as much as you do. I hate the Reagan concept of "trickle-down" economics because it's a sham to cover up the fire hose of wealth shooting to the 1 percent.
I hate that jackass, Trump. I abhor white supremacy and racism. I'm really sick and tired of what the U.S. has become.
We can agree on one thing. I'm all for the destruction of the existing order because it's totally corrupt. Our government is corrupt, corporate culture is corrupt and about half the U.S. voting population is totally full of shit. Who votes for an asshole like Trump? So bring it on.