At 70 with a bad hip I don't do much camping any more. I used to enjoy backpacking into a wilderness area for a week at a time. When I was young and strong, nature had quite an appeal.
American in the past have been able to make sacrifices. Many sacrifices and a lot of rationing took place during WWII. But I don't think Americans are capable of that any more, they can't even don a surgical mask without crying tyranny. So I don't believe that a cultural shift in in the offing, in fact if anything we are going in the opposite direction. As I mentioned above, if you were to post this on NewsBreak you would be sickened by the comments. The sheer ignorance is breathtaking. I'm not a big fan of how humanity has evolved. I feel climate change has been brought on by our greed and arrogance. That we can take everything, do anything to the planet and believe that nothing human caused could every possibly alter our own environment. I have five kids and 10 grand children. I don't envy their future. Here a fun little piece that sort of sums up my view of humanity, maybe a 3 minute read.