Bernie never stopped campaigning after the 2016 election. At that time I was fed up with the democrats and registered as an independent. Given Bernie’s momentum, the jump start on the 2020 campaign and the attitude of the corporate democrats, I hoped that Bernie would start up a progressive third party. Instead he did the same thing (hitched his wagon to the democratic party) and somehow expected a different result.
Bernie had/has the following to start a third party. A third party would be a very viable option to the choice we now face, a choice between the lesser of two evils.
A write in campaign? American voters can barely drag themselves to the polls to check a box, let alone write in a third party candidate.
If Bernie heads up a third party, I’m all in. Anything less, I’d vote for just about anybody over Trump, the same way I was forced to vote for Hillary.
I will not waste my vote in a misguided effort to teach the Democrats a lesson. The lesson needs to be taught, but by the mass exodus of disenchanted voters to a progressive third party that can win a real victory, not a symbolic one.