Biden is planning to spend $80 billion to beef up collections on tax evaders. If he is willing to fork out $80 billion the extent of the problem is truly massive.
I don't really care how billionaires spend their money after they pay their taxes.
Overall the private sector has gotten far too greedy with the wealthy taking an ever-expanding portion of national income. I don't think all problems can be addressed by profit-driven corporations. Climate change is a global problem that will take a concerted effort beyond making a profit. But our government is so dysfunctional I doubt they will provide the direction needed.
I pay my taxes because I expect the government to step up in times of emergency, like COVID. If the solution was left to free enterprise Americans would have paid dearly for the vaccine. I don't begrudge social programs that support the less fortunate. I also expect the average guy to get something for his tax dollars. I expect our aging infrastructure to be repaired. I resent the wasted dollars spending 20 years in Afghanistan for revenge for 9/11.