"Define the problems we have here and now."
Overpopulation and continued growth and expansion. Capitalism thrives and promotes growth and expansion. On a finite planet there will be a point where we simply can’t continue to grow and expand. Our global emissions are affecting our atmosphere, we are filling the oceans with plastic waste. Areas of the world are suffering a scarcity of water. We have an insatiable demand for energy which is expected to double by 2050.
I question continued growth when the Earth would be more sustainable at a 1960s level of 3 billion instead of continuing on our present path to 10 billion. This does not take drastic measures, just a change in the fertility rate from the current 2.5 to 2. Limiting everyone to families of 2 children. The fertility rate is already falling below this in much of the developed world.
So, when I question where do we go from here, it’s not a matter of capitalism vs socialism, but rather how can capitalism stabilize in a de-growth mode?