Democracy seems defenseless against persistent lies, especially lies form high places (the president) or once respected institutions (Fox News). Look at the damage the "Big Lie" has done. Half the country believed our electoral system is easily tampered with and is so rife with corruption that it cost Trump the presidency. There is no foundation in fact. Many courts turned away election challenges because there was no evidence. Even the Arizona audit complete by partisan Republican hacks called the Cyber Ninjas turned up more votes for Biden. Does that stop Trump from repeating the lie? Does that stop Fox News from echoing the disgraced president? They never quit. They keep repeating the same lie and it is NEVER out to rest. Now our once respected institution of voting is suspect. Just as Joseph Goebbels promised Hitler. "If you repeat a lie and never back down, people will believe it." The Liar in Chief will most likely be our next president and we are helpless to do anything about it. In the end the lies will win out, and that's tragic.