Erik, thanks for the reply. The book also offers a peek at the grim reality of climate change and the obstinate attitude of when people see disaster up close they still insist it won't happen to them. Somehow we have to get to the point that we understand that we are all in this together. Voluntary action is like pissing on a forest fire. The home front during WWII face severe rationing and they did not revolt. This has to be fought like a war with the same commitment. I don’t see a lot of commitment in the US. We fail to unite in the face of the pandemic. If we fight climate change with the same attitude that government mandates are tyranny (like masks and social distancing are tyranny) then we are lost. Unlike the whiny crybabies, I believe in times of national emergency we can give up a bit of freedom for the common good. Vested interested have much too lose, but compared to what? Extinction? A slow suffocating death by an overheated climate. In the book pampered vested interests were bombed into submission by eco terrorists or eco patriots? I’m a firm believer that overpopulation is a huge factor in our problems. We need a world wide voucher system. One voucher per female, sell it, trade it, or use it, until we walk back the population by half. I think that rationing is the only fair way to allocate resources. A family gets “X” amount of kWh s per household member. If you want to attempt to spread that over a 5,000 square foot house, that’s your choice. If I choose to insulate the hell out of a cool room in my basement and keep it at 72 degrees during the scorching hot summer that’s mine. Limit people, provide tax incentives and big sticks, but don’t take away choice. The same with transportation, a family gets “X” amount of ration coupons for fuel (maybe some type of blockchain foolproof, tamper-proof credit card for receiving electronic coupons). If I choose to walk to work or bike to work and save my coupons fine. Maybe “X” amount of coupons saved per month equals one pet, but don’t tell me I can’t have my furry companion if I live within my allotment. I think people with revolt over limiting personal choices more that they will over rationing. Of course all this depends on a committed functioning government that we do not have in the US.