Gaige was there as a paramedic. The other two acted as typical arrogant males. They saw a baby faced teenager with a gun and decided to harass him. Typical of bullies everywhere. They most likely deserved to be shot on general principle. My concern in the entire matter is that that is not a decision a teenager is prepared to make. I've raised three boys, I taught junior high school boys. They are slow in maturing. Often exhibit poor judgement and are prone to rash decisions. Did come up with this one my own? No, the insurance industry has been tracking these statistics since way before I was born.
Should Kyle have been convicted as a killer? I don't believe so. But the court, after acquittal, could have admonished his behavior, confiscated his weapon and perhaps slapped his with a fine--anything but make him a hero. He's not a hero. He was an disaster waiting to happen. I don't want to live in a world with armed teenage vigilantes. The court failed in an opportunity to discourage this kind of behavior.