Great article! And, no, it's not taught in schools. But just like the recurring Conservative complaint that nobody in school says the Pledge of Allegiance any more, it's just not true. As an elementary and junior high teacher, I'd invite the naysayers to come to school, of course they never did. It was more fun to make shit up.
Critical Race Theory is not that hard to understand. It postulates that our nations long history of slavery and segregation, and general mistreatment of people of color has had a long lasting effect on the nation. Slavery began with the Jamestown colony and segregation did not end until the Supreme Court decision of Brown vs the Board of Education in 1954 that desegregated schools. This mistreated over such a long period of time permeated into the fabric of society and became embedded in our institutions. The original 1970 study was seeking to discover why racism was so persistent in America today. Critical Race Theory is the concept they came up with. It says nothing about reverse racism, shaming today’s children, it simply asks for an honest look at history.