Happy man, good man??? WTF? Face it, as a wealthy man you are all about more and more tax cuts for the already wealthy. Read on, prove me wrong.
Does a good man bitch and moan when he loses a contest and then cries like a little bitch, "They cheated, they cheated."
Does a good man instigate insurrection?
Does a good man lie and obsess over the size of his crowds? His crowd was pathetic in comparison to the crowd at the same venue for Martin Luther King.
Does a good make fun of the disabled?
Does a good man dis the family of a veteran killed serving his country?
Does a good man wimp out of serving his country with a contrived doctor's note? Funny, bone spurs never seem to bother him while playing golf.
Does a good man make up playground names to demean his opponents?
Successful man? Bullshit. How would you do if your daddy gave you millions of dollars (tax free) to get started in life, in addition to leaving you a real estate empire. Do you thing you could manage to avoid bankruptcy SIX TIMES? Or maybe bankruptcy is just a way to fuck over people you owe money too.
Does a good man stiff his contractors over and over again? Contractors who then can not pay their workers?
Does a good man flaunt the Bible and pretend he's a Christian just to get votes?
Does a good man kiss up to and admire dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un?
Does a good man eject reporters from the White House briefing room for asking tough questions?
Does a good man call veterans and soldiers who died in combat losers and suckers?
He called Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate.”
He claimed Africa and Haiti were "shithole countries.
He claimed all immigrants from south of the border are killers, rapists and inmates released from asylums. Maybe you can identify with those statements based on your Latin America experience. Is that a true statement?
Is a good man a crooked little shit who could never bother to release his tax returns like his predecessors and while falsely claiming he was under IRS audit?
The good man increased the national dealt by $8 trillion mostly so he could give tax cuts to the wealthy (like you), while gladly cutting the safety nets for the needy.
He suggested that people should inject bleach into their bodies to fight COVID. Some dumb asses actually died trying it out. It killed COVID and it killed them too.
Jobs? 96% of jobs created over 35 years emerged under Democratic presidents.
Trump is a weak, sniveling little shit who no one would trust around their kids because he's a (happy) sexual deviant. He owes $96 million to E. Jean Carrol for that very reason.
He's convicted of 34 felonies and many more trials are on deck.
Good man? No fucking way. He's a big fat orange piece of shit.
Go Harris/Walz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!