Hi Mitch, I read this yesterday and it's been gnawing at me ever since. We can continue to pursue a vibrant workforce and future economic goals as we continue to destroy the planet or we can begin to downsize the global population and make the adjustments necessary to live within the confines of what the Earth can provide. We can't have both.
We are using up the Earth's resources faster than they can replenished. This year by late July we had already used up all the resources the Earth can replenish in one year. In 1973 we were almost at the break even point. Our world population has ballooned and we consume far too many resources to be sustainable.
So while a declining birthrate will bring about economic upheaval at least we will be moving in the right direction. Perhaps economic upheaval is what the Earth's population needs to break us out of our death spiral, but I hold out little hope for a global awakening.