I agree that spreading the wealth is a worthy goal. Inequality has become intolerable.
According to the Rand Study on Income Inequality, if income distribution had held steady at the pace following WWII, the median income earner today would be earning twice as much as they are presently getting paid.
Spreading wealth should become possible when robotics continues to replace more and more workers. Without money there are no consumers. Without consumers there will be no one to buy all the shit we manufacture. I expect our so-called democracy to fight tooth and nail to maintain the status-quo at the behest of the wealthy elite. They are selfish pricks who want it all and to pay taxes on none of it. That will never change.
So while I can see robotics bringing about change in the workplace, the humanoid part still makes no sense to me. The AI customers have to contend with for a simple product problem are enough to drive me crazy right now. It take longer to get to a human than it does to solve the problem.