I agree that there are lots of ways to intimidate free speech, none of them good or conducive to creating any meaningful dialog. Coming to a protest armed with clubs would prompt the same reaction from me. Free speech dies under the threat of any weapon of intimidation. I also agree that rioting, looting, and other mayhem have no place in our freedom to assemble and protest. When I wrote "If you become too excited about expressing your point of view" I meant rhetorical excitement, not violence. In my opinion looters, arsonists and rioters should be warned once to disburse, then they should be shot, just not by immature teenagers, but the police or national guard. Just as I believe that the armed rioters at the Capitol should have been shot. There is no place in our society for rioting, looting, and other violence for any sort of protest. Thanks for reading and commenting and the opportunity to clarify my thoughts.