I believe in the rule of the law. Perhaps it's my naivete, but I thought our courts were supposed to make decisions based on the laws that govern our country. Trump has managed to change all that. Now everything is partisan. Every accusation or potential litigation is a political witch hunt. Then couple that with our two-tiered justice system, a system that treats the wealthy and political with kid gloves, you get the mess we are in today.
How many little fish have gone to jail over participation in the insurrection, yet the ringleader, the instigator is running for president.
Even the Supreme Court has been corrupted by Trump, to the point that they are willing to absolve a sitting president from criminal responsibility.
I've lost all faith in our courts to administer justice and yet justice is what we crave. The bottom line is that if you are wealthy and politically connected you have a lifetime get out of jail card.