I don’t believe your analogies of conned by the salesperson or trapped by the abuser hold up for the Trump voter. How can they continue to be conned in the face of all the evidence to the contrary? A person in a abusive relationship is trapped by fear of being left alone. What traps the Trump voter? What is Trump’s hold over them?
I understand your underlying message; don’t blame the victim. But for how many election cycles can they be considered victims?
I remember when we elected President Obama. I woke up that morning believing that we had finally turned the corner on racism in this country. I’ve never been so wrong. Instead, electing a black president unleashed the racist underbelly of the country.
Trump capitalized on that. He doubled down and made racism mainstream. I don’t want the country to go in that direction and yes it makes me angry. We’ve had many struggles as a nation, but with each struggle we’ve moved closer to equal rights for all.
Who is Donald Trump if nobody votes for him? Just another golfer. So who is responsible for bringing this blight upon our nation if not the voters who support him?