I have often wondered about our ability to support democracy with so many illiterate voters. Most incumbents are returned to office simply because of name recognition, rather than their record. I have watched as many of my extended family are lead astray by the likes of Rush Limbaugh (may he rot in hell), Tucker Carlson, and Glen Beck.
I took the time and effort to read “Ship of Fools,” Carlson’s book. It was recommended by my oldest son. At the time I did not realize his family was so steeped in conservative dogma. I took apart the book, chapter by chapter. Carlson began each chapter with some folksy wisdom the made sense. However, by the end of each chapter, his radical far-right under-belly shines though.
Needless to say, my presentation fell on deaf ears. In my family, the conservative/liberal split is about 50/50. The more college education the more tendency to have a liberal perspective, at least in my family. This was never a big concern until Trump came along. In my mind, voting for Trump the second time around is analogous to a mental defect.