I hope Access continues to exist. If nothing else it’s a powerful tool for the little guy. I owned a small chain of beauty supply stores. I was using a old COBAL based program called The General Store. In the late 90’s I faced the fact that The General Store was not going to handle the date roll over to the year 2000. The General Store never met all my needs anyway, so it was time to change. Somebody suggested I write my own POS with Access. I took a class, read some books and with a lot of paid help from the instructor came up with a great POS that not only met my needs but was something I understood from the inside out and could add features to when needed. Since that time I’ve solved many problems in a variety of situations with the simple bag of tools Access provides. I would venture to guess that there are far more small mom and pop sized businesses that could benefit from simple Access solutions, than there are big businesses that need a more scale-able architecture. Besides the market is full of large scale applications. Access is a great, easy to use solution for the little guy. It ran my businesses 24/7 for 16 years until I sold them. My little custom POS added value to my business as well.