I just don't understand this country. I felt so good when we elected President Obama. I felt we had turned the corner, made great progress, maybe we might leave racism behind once and for all. I've never been so wrong in my life. Immediately after Mr. Obama was elected the "white" cockroaches began to crawl out from under the rocks, culminating in electing a neanderthal, throwback, racist, Donald Trump. I’m especially embarrassed for my generation who nurtured and supported such an appalling jack ass. What a weak fearful generation, scared to death of losing their “white” superiority, as if they had anything to do with the skin they were born with. Maybe there will be incremental improvement when my generation, the baby boomers, die off. I’d certainly like to see all but a very few voted out of office, not to lobby and continue to fuck things up, but just go out and rot on a golf course. Perhaps die there while soaking up the last of their privilege, maybe feed the soil. Although, come to think of it, the turf would most likely shrivel and die on the spot.