I light of our history, early pioneers fleeing religious persecution, to find religious freedom in the new world, it’s especially irritating that the predominant sect, Protestants, now seek political power so they can freely discriminate against other’s who do not share the same views.
To Protestants, especially Evangelicals, religious freedom is not enough, they want to control what other people do (abortion, gay marriage). This attitude underlines the importance of the establishment clause, it establishes that the government cannot establish any official government religion. A very good thing.
God-consciousness to most Americans is the vague concept that there is life after death and that if they go to church Christmas and Easter that might just be enough squeak through the pearly gates. Most people are so egocentric that they can’t possibly understand how the world can go on without them.
For politicians it’s much simpler, pretending God-consciousness equals votes to keep them in office where they ignore any vague Christian concepts of charity and go on serving their wealthy masters. How else could 100% of Republican senators possibly profess to be Christian. Then there is Trump, surrounded by pious Christian leaders laying on hands in prayer. What a crock!
As you mentioned Christians have a tendency to pick and choose their priorities. Pretending to be sorely aggrieved by the sins of others (abortion, homosexuality, wedding cakes), all the while dismissing any thing to do with Christian charity or serving the poor. Trump supporting Christians have pretty much dismissed anything having to do with Jesus.
But for me a Christian’s greatest sin is ignoring the problems facing our planet (pollution, global warming) because God’s going to come and make it all better. Definitely not the political leader I want making decisions about the fate of the planet. Leaders with one foot in this world, while eagerly awaiting to step into the next.