I my first paragraph I purposefully dumped the author into a stereotypical group like she dumped me to see how she liked it.
Most boomers make me want to vomit too. So I'm tired of being lumped together in the same group.
Voter apathy among all generation will consign us to another four years of the orange ass-hole.
The younger generations have the numbers to bring about change. But can they be bothered? It should be obvious to everyone that our nation is racing towards an even more racist, bigoted future steeped in white supremacy and Christian nationalism.
Women, people of color, migrants, the LGBTQ community are all in the crosshairs of Christian nationalism. Like minded people need to ban together and make a stand. Otherwise the Christian Taliban will win. I don't think we can survive another four years of Trump.
Instead of complaining about how the older generations have ruined the world, rise up and kick them out of office.