I tend to agree, but then like R C Hammond noted, your proposal fits my existing lifestyle. I've never cared much for travel and even less so at the age of 72. Eating local and seasonal makes perfect sense. I don't need strawberries in February, that have been shipped half way around the world. But I doubt many younger people feel the same way.
In some ways it would be like the COVID shutdown, only permanent. My wife and I developed a closer relationship staying home. I no longer rushed off to my favorite coffee shop first thing in the morning. We developed new routines and life was better for it.
I wonder at the ripple effect on industry and commerce. But maybe universal basic income could make up for that. Then I wonder what would become of all the existing automobiles when ordinary people could no longer afford to drive them. They'd have to be disposed of because abandoned cars become an ugly eyesore.
Very intriguing, thanks for sharing. Count me in.
A couple of years ago I proposed a solution based on rationing.
I consider it a more egalitarian solution, but it too has a snowball's chance in hell of being implemented.