I'm aware. I also know there is a limit to what the planet can support and the pressure a bigger population puts on the environment. Water supplies will run low first. Water is already in short supply. The level Lake Mead will drop below the outflow infrastructure, this summer. Both generation and the flow of water will cease. Lake Mead waters all of the south west. Lake Oroville in northern California, the largest earth fill dam in the world, will cease to generate power this summer. I suppose we can just keep having babies and watch more die duevto hunger and dehydration. We do not adequately care for the world's population we have right now. There are always excuses to avoid inconvenient change, but there are consequences as well. Maybe the world's scientists just enjoy a good joke and everything is fine. Somehow, I doubt that. Thanks for reading and taking the time to reply. I appreciate the feedback! Thanks.