I'm not sure how else to look at it. 35% of Americans believe the QAnon Conspiracy Theory. A segment believe the Earth is flat. There's a general denial of science. In the midst of a pandemic people refuse to get vaccinated. A good portion of the country believes the Trump is still president. Why? Is there any evidence? No. Over 60 courts turned down lawsuits for lack of evidence. No, they believe it because Trump began whining about election fraud after he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton. His ego would not let him accept the defeat. He's made 33 separate claims of election fraud and repeated them endlessly. The far-right media picked up the chant the repeated it over and over. Adolf Hitler said, "If you repeat a lie over and over and never recant, people will believe it as fact." That's exactly what Trump has done. Un-refuted lies will bring down America, whether our citizens are gullible, stupid or just too lazy to seek the truth makes little difference. In America the lie get front page and endless repeats, the facts get a minor footnote on page seventeen and are forgotten as the next lie takes center stage.