It's interesting to read about what millennials expect. As a boomer I never expected anything from my parents, certainly not a midlife bailout. My two sisters and I divided up the proceeds from the sale of their modest home. My parents received nothing from their parents. Not sure where this expectation of a great inheritance comes from.
In times past it was expected that each generation would do a bit better that the previous generation. At least that held true for the three generations of my grandparents, parents and my generation. But that generational improvement ended with the boomers. My kids have struggled more than I had to. I could pay for college out of pocket and buy a home without help from my parents. While I provide quite a bit of financial support for my kids to go to college and to purchase homes.
The bottom line is that the economy is broken and far too much wealth flows directly to the top 1 percent. If the economy functioned properly any inheritance would be viewed a windfall instead of a dire need.