It's terrific you found a way to live your life on your terms. I greatly admire your courage to move to Spain and begin a new life.
I found teaching to be the perfect balance of between being my own boss, yet not being responsible for everything. When I moved from elementary to middle school I had the most amazing boss as my principal. Imagine a guy that by the third day on school could walk the campus calling out every student by name. He always had a positive word. If a problem arose he'd pull you aside, always smiling and suggest a course correction to set you straight. He never made the excuse that there was no money, if your idea was good for kids (his primary criteria) he'd find the funding. He could take the most aggravating student, throw his arm around him and have him laughing at his own behavior before they reached the office. Working under him felt like living in Camelot. But then all good thing come to an end...the evil superintendent came to hate him for his success.