I've though about this for several days. To me, spirituality and religion are in the realm of make believe. Once upon a time, 60 years ago, I was a Christian. I was never comfortable with it. I always felt a fraud, but the bottom line is that I don't possess a mustard seed worth of faith. Not something I share because I believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.
I can identify with some of the characteristics of spirituality. (those I can identify with in bold)
Characteristics of spiritual beliefs include:
Asking deep questions about topics such as suffering or what happens after death
Deepening connections with other people
Experiencing compassion and empathy for others
Feelings of interconnectedness
Feelings of awe and wonder
Seeking happiness beyond material possessions or other external rewards
Seeking meaning and purpose
Wanting to make the world a better place
Make believe comes into play when people talk about God, the soul, after-life.
Anyway (smiling) what I believe changes nothing for anyone but myself.