Gary Janosz
1 min read2 days ago


Man, I would love to see you take over one of my daughters past kindergarten classes, then you would eat those words. My wife has 34 years of kindergarten experience. She volunteers in our daughters class once a week. Both are damn good kindergarten teachers--they had their hands full. In the past couple of years she's been told multiple times to fuck off, she's been stabbed with a pen and once with a pencil. She's had chairs thrown around the room, including a time at her. She's been kicked in the shins, hit in the stomach, all for her "bad" teaching? Most times the kids are back in the classroom the same day.


It's easy to judge from the sidelines. You have to get into the trenches. And I don't mean some prissy private school. I taught at a public school for ten where we served breakfast and lunch to every kid on campus, we probably should have served dinner too. On back-to-school night, quite often teachers had zero parent attendance. During my last year at that school I decided to break with the norm and host a barbeque for my kid's parents for back-to-school night. I only made one mistake, I should have given my spiel BEFORE serving dinner because some left before they could hear me out. "Bad parenting and zero parent support creates bad students."



Gary Janosz

Finding the humor in a world of frustration. Always learning, usually the hard way.