Not glad, I have ten grandchildren, sickened is an apt summary. But I'm certainly disappointed in the human race. We have never risen above territorial tribalism, racism, and above all greed. We are always at war, somewhere. The U.S. has been at war for 222 out of our existence as a nation. We tolerate billionaires while many in the world are hungry. We do a brisk business human trafficking for perverted sexual satisfaction. In the U.S. gun violence is a pastime. We do nothing when our children are gunned down in their schools, oh I almost forgot the ultimate cop-out, thoughts and prayers. Thought--glad it's not my kid, prayer--I hope they don't take my guns away this time. We can't even come together to save ourselves from the self-inflicted mistreatment of our home, planet Earth.
Humanities final epitaph: Sorry, we tried to save our environment, but there was no way to make a profit from it.