Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Belief and faith are synonyms, interchangeable)
Belief = Hoping for something in spite of absolutely no evidence.
But the very act of hoping BECOMES the EVIDENCE!
This works for many things, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Qanon, Jim Jones, Leprechauns, the Tooth Fairy, and Donald Trump being sent by God.
For example I have faith if I stand by my refrigerator long enough, it will intone the sacred mantra Om. The sound of Om is considered to be the most sacred and powerful mantra in yoga, Hinduism and Buddhism.
I am blessed daily when my refrigerator makes the sacred sound of Om. My refrigerator is my sacred and all powerful yogi.
Your refrigerator can bless you too, just remember faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Just because it loos like a fridge, does not preempt a powerful yogi from living deep inside your butter keeper.
If your refrigerator is recalcitrant, just leave the door open for a few minutes and repeat, "Out with the cold air, in with the warm air." Soon your refrigerator will bless your too, and so will your utility company.