Obviously nuclear has a track record of failure. The only bight spot is that the US Navy seems to be able to operate small scale nuclear reactors safely.
If you look at the world energy consumption chart by source (here).
You get an idea why some folks feel renewables will have a difficult time replacing coal, oil, and natural gas. This year world wide demand for energy is expected to rise by 100 gigawatts, while new solar installs are expected to reach 35 gigawatts. So next year we will be using a higher percentage of fossil fuels than this year.
At some point we have to bite the bullet and degrease demand, starting with the US as we use more energy per capital than anyone on the planet.
Now considering we live in a country that howls tyranny at the thought of wearing a mask, a population that an increase in gasoline prices portends the end of the world, how are energy cutbacks going to go over. We could let the market deal with it and fuel prices will harm the lower classes the most while the wealthy could care less about the price of fuel or we can ration.