"People like Sen Scott who want to explore different funding methods" does he mean explore like the GOP explored other plans for Obama Care. Did they put forth any plans? No. When they put forth a workable plan that's as good or better than Social Security everyone would like to hear it. But no, they want to kill the program, then we're supposed to trust them to come up with something better.
The utter bullshit is claiming SS is funded out of the regular budget. The only funding for SS comes from payroll taxes. Will you still be willing to pay in your 6.2 percent and give up your employers 6.2 percent that is paid on your behalf AFTER they cancel SS. Of course not. So, if the payroll tax goes away, how does that help the federal budget that the GOP is whining about? There is no affect because if you remove the benefits, that releases the funding source back to the employee. Social Security does not affect the federal budget because after 85 years it’s still running a surplus of $2,540,348 MILLION. Read the attached chart put out by the SS Administration.
Our own government clearly explain that SS is a pay as you go program, there is nothing confusing about it.
Unless you are retired you are paying 6.2 percent of your income into SS and another 6.2 percent that your employer matches or you pay directly if you are self-employed. All this goes into a program that the GOP promises to destroy year after year with nothing in place to replace it. If they built a replacement program, explained what they plan to do with all the contributions folks have made that are now worthless, THEN and ONLY then vote to dismantle a program that has been working well for 85 years.
Lastly, nobody needs an automatic tax cut on income over $147,000 a year. This is a moving target that increases every year anyway. Start the cap at $350,000. Remove the cap and keep benefits payments the same, those folks are wealthy enough already, call it a contribution for the greater good.
The greater good is a concept lost on Americans today, but through pooling our taxes we once built grand national parks and interstate highways and I think everyone can contribute a little to the retirement of all.