"Plus, people are making more money from unemployment checks than their day job, so they don’t have an incentive to go back to work."
Unemployment is not a whole hell of a lot of money. Could it be that the top quintile earns too much? The top quintile equals $10,213.92 billion in national income, 51.9%, $397,583.50. If they want workers maybe they need to pay a little more. The bottom quintile garners an astounding $610.08 billion of the nation's income, a paltry 3.1%, $23,747.76. Would you run back to work to make less than unemployment pays? If you are a rich fat cat, you will argue that unemployment pay is too high. The system is broken all right, point the finger where it belongs.
"Unfortunately there are no easy solutions" Bullshit—pay a meaningful wage. The top 10% control over 69.6% of the wealth in the US and they want it all.