Rubio is talking about immigrant with "refugee" status. Unfortunately he has his facts mixed up. Refugees receive a ONE-TIME (not monthly) resettlement payment of $2,275. That payment is not paid directly to the refugee but is used on his behalf usually for housing. Rubio is just another politician. Politicians lie like you and I breathe. For some reason they never expect anyone to double check their words.
The point is it's not a monthly payment but a one-time payment.
Social Security is a pay as you go program that collects payroll taxes and pays them out as Social Security benefits. Social Security has always been kept separate from the regular budget because it's self funded though payroll taxes. This chart shows in the taxes in and benefits out for every year of the program.
There's currently a $2,788,463 surplus. Or their should be, but the fucking politicians, both Republican and Democrat have borrowed against the program. Now they have to dip into the regular budget to pay it back. Rather than do the right thing (pay it back) they are instead threatening cuts to the program as you said a massive 24% cut.
Politicians could easily fix the problem by removing the cap on SS payroll tax contributions on income over $168,600 but that would anger their wealthy donors. Imagine you are fortunate enough to earn $168,600 per year, now every dollar you earn over that amount is SS tax free. So a guy making $400,000 pays his share of SS payroll taxes on the $168,600 then the next $231,400 is SS payroll tax free.
Tell me, who needs an automatic tax cut on income over $168,600?