Sure I once bought a time-share in Hawaii in search of free luau tickets. But I never fell for it twice. I expect people to learn from their mistakes.
But hey I can see the appeal. Ninety-one criminal indictments, sexual harassment conviction, insurrection, undermining our history of peaceful transition of one president to the next, undermining our voting system with lie after lie (no court in the land upheld any voting irregularities).
Sure I'm aware of playground language and locker room talk, do we really want to codify that, slap it with a stamp of approval?
That's exactly what Trump is doing with language, racism, white supremacy, white nationalism, misogyny. He slaps it with his big orange stamp of approval. And his followers love it.
You don't like morons. I've been labeled far worse by Trump. Number one is that I'm the enemy because I don't fall at his feet and kiss his ass. I have no place in the U.S. because I'm a liberal Democrat. Imagine being the enemy in your own country. But then Trump has a sick nickname of everyone he dislikes, and of course that's perfectly fine.
Trump's disciples think just lie him and value his values. He values racism, misogyny, bigotry, white nationalism. He constantly stokes fear of brown people coming to America to replace the white people.
So all hail the new American way. Let's all make fun of the handicapped. Let's teach our sons to "Just Grab 'em by the pussy." Let's live in fear of immigrants all the while forgetting the fact that we are an nation of immigrants. Let's be like Hitler and strive for the white master race. If someone is different, hate them for it, belittle them--forget inclusion. Vote for Trump! Make America a Shit-Hole Country!
Three cheers for tax cuts for the wealthy and the hell with everybody else.