Thanks for writing Stephanie. Sorry that you had a run of poor principals. But I'm afraid they are more the rule than the exception. Jeff was a amazing guy, he was born to be a school principal and that jackass superintendent took that away. I returned to Marsh the year after I left to walk the new guy through the photo program. I did both spring and fall with him but it was hopeless, he was just putting in his time, collecting a paycheck. I always found teaching so much more than that.
I suppose I could write more about Marsh, but it difficult to get anyone to read it. The Marsh article was one of the first I’d written for Medium and you are the only one to ever comment. I would enjoy helping a school through the photo process. I’ve written several articles over varied venues but I’ve yet to get a query.
I’ve been writing a lot, just not about education.
Thanks again for taking the time to read and respond.