The government has failed us. Do you feel represented yet? I sure don't. Trump downplayed the virus and gave it time to take hold, but worse he politicized the virus. He made a political statement to NOT wear a mask. He undermined his own vaccine to the extent that he was laughed at during a recent rally when he recommended the vaccine.
You are vaccinated and wear a mask. I am vaccinated and wear a mask. If enough people got on board with the vaccine and mask this thing would be over. If this was left in the realm of public health with would be over. It's not over because it became a political and ordinary conservatives who would have normally lined up for the vaccine are dying to make a political statement. This isn't about anti-vaxers, there is not enough to make a difference. Kids are vaccinated on a routine basis to hold certain illnesses in check. It's hard to even enroll in school without certain vaccinations. No this is pure political bullshit straight from the man who gave us election fraud in the absence of any election fraud.