The US is a nation big on war. We waged war on poverty, drugs, terrorism and to prevent the spread of communism.
We need to confront climate change as if we were in a war for survival—because we are. Americans and our allies in WWII suffered through many deprivations. Fuel was rationed. It was impossible to buy tires for your automobile. Coffee and many basics were constantly in very short supply, but we made great sacrifices to survive. That’s the kind of attitude and effort we need today.
Sure, the oil companies hid vital information to protect their profits. But the real culprit is greed. Greed drives industry to cut corners, to pollute, to disregard the environment in the name of profit.
In the US we elected a dumb-ass president who relaxed the regulation on methane emissions so industry could be more profitable. Methane, a greenhouse gas many times more potent than CO2. Trump walked back the lighting efficiency standards so the makers of incandescent bulbs could remain profitable. When for the first time ever US energy use actually leveled off for a bit because of the switch to LED lighting. The idiot also fought California and the sensible auto companies to LOWER fuel efficiency standards.
We need sound leadership to solve world-wide problems and we need people willing to sacrifice for the greater good. I once thought my country the US would lead such an effort. But we have become a nation of self-centered crybabies, moaning for freedom, but rejecting the responsibility that goes hand in hand.