‘The way business maximizes profit is to give consumers exactly what they want at exactly the price they are willing to pay.”
Walk down any supermarket isle and look at the tremendous duplication and waste from business chasing profit to give customers exactly what they want. Walk down the shampoo isle. All these chemists feverishly working on a cure for cancer, no, they are working on a new angle to market soap. They could be working on a real need, but unless it has ready market potential to make a quick buck, forget it. All this crap comes wrapped in plastic because the cheapest container wins the day. Too bad that it will never degrade, too bad that most of it ends up in the ocean. And during production, is it most cost effective to dump our toxic waste in the nearest stream? Of course, then dump it. Shareholders first, forget pollution, nobody ever made a dime cleaning up. No, the highest priority must always be shareholder profit, to the detriment of EVERYTHING else. This is a wasteful model that has outlived it’s usefulness.