The woman I was referring to was Ashli Babbitt, I watched the video as she broke through a locked door with armed guards on the other side. Here's the video below:
The Capital rioters just marched down the street from the Trump rally where he continued to wind them up about the election he just lost. You can dispute the result of the election but not a shred of evidence exists to prove otherwise.
Trump was finished after the election. There was no need to keep in the news with a faked insurrection. You claim it was not an insurrection, but the entire thing was recorded thanks to mobile phones everywhere.
No, I don't like the country I live in anymore. I used to believe in the US, until we elected Donald Trump. I do believe in voting to make changes but even if I hated the outcome as I did in 2016, I would not be foolish enough to riot at the capitol building because I believe rioters and armed protesters should be shot on sight.
You talk about truth. It's been a long time since I was naïve enough to expect the truth from any elected official. They all lie to us and look out for the wealthy.
You mentioned illegal immigration. We could end illegal immigration in six months. Jail and seize the assets of the employers who hire illegals. Right now they round them up, truck them over the border and a new batch is hired the next day. It’s against the law to hire an illegal, but that law is never enforced (look it up). Illegals come for jobs. Business loves cheap labor. As an illegal you can’t get jack-shit in this country as an illegal, and that’s as it should be. But illegals can always find work, so they keep coming.