Very true. But we got Bin Laden after 10 years, why did we stay for another 10? The lack of protest has nothing to do with vengeance for 9-11, we certainly got that and justly so.
I was born in 1952, I was eligible to be drafted 69/70. The class of 1969 got decimated in Viet Nam. At the time their were protests on college campus's across the nation. Kids just like be had no desire to die in Viet Nam. And for what exactly--today Vietnam is a communist country and an American tourist attraction. You can even go there and crawl around the tunnels made by the North Vietnamese.
Where were the protest about us hanging around in Afghanistan for another ten years after we got Bin Laden?
We got Bin Laden May 2, 2011. In the years that followed we spent $633 billion and lost 240,533 American lives. What exactly did we get for that grave expense in money and lives?