Well I hope I discover it some day soon as I turn 69 next March. I don't think octogenarians are in touch with the population with an average age of half of that. let alone represent them. But then our representatives only represent wealthy interests. It was originally intended that citizens serve in government then return to whatever they were doing before. As founding fathers saw it, the voters in every district would get together every other November, pick someone in their community they respected, and send him to Washington for a couple years to vote for their neighbors’ best interests and those of the nation. We are a far cry from that. Maybe you feel some degree of representation, frankly I've never felt represented, and the situation just gets worse the more money that flows into politics. Just like you, I have worked hard my entire life, voted in every election and paid my taxes. For what? Certainly to continually prop up our war machine. Do you realize that we have been at war for all but 27 years of our nation's history. When faced with a crisis like the coronavirus, do we get an intelligent, organized response? You be the judge. I'm retired, my income is secure, but I sure feel for all those people suffering financially from this pandemic, while the fat cats in Washington D.C. argue about what not to do next. I've never complained about taxes, but I'd sure like a change in how all that money is spent. That said, I'm glad you and your wife are healthy, my wife and I enjoy good health as well. But I have 10 grandchildren and I'm concerned for their future.