We've added solar panels to our home, we live a pretty simple life style, we don't travel or fly anywhere, but so what? Does it make a dent in the big picture. Drill down to a narrower issue that has more immediate impact--the drought in California. Our governor asked for 15% voluntary cutbacks, he got 1.5% a tenth of what he asked for. Just five years ago we took out lawns front and back and replaced them with small planting of drought resistant plants and drip irrigation. Do you have any idea how many people reseeded their lawns since then? It's mind boggling. Even with the immediate impact of a severe drought, wells drying up, people without water, people are just to selfish to change.
We need direction from the top. During the last California drought we had mandatory cutbacks with penalties--that worked. People responded and some areas cutbacks exceeded expectations. We will never beat climate change on a voluntary basis.
On another note I ran across a great video for climate change sceptics made by the Pentagon--yes the Pentagon has acknowledged all the important points of climate change and present the facts in a short well produced video.