Why don't we just cut the shit and make mail in voting the law of the land. Let's move out of the horse and buggy days. We don't need polling places that the politicians can open and close on a whim. We certainly don't need poll watchers and polling counters attempting to ascertain the outcome before the votes are counted. We don't need long lines to take all day to vote, if you happen to be in a blue district in a red state. It makes more sense to fill out your ballot at home, then stick it in the mail. The rich and powerful will always get their absentee ballots, it's just us peons they want to manipulate. It took a pandemic to finally streamline the process. The voters responded with a great turnout.
Too good for the Republicans, they sure as hell want to make sure that never happens again.
The Republicans will let the red states make voting as restrictive as possible, and on a national level, they will vote against HR1 and come up with their own plan, just like they did with Obamacare. What plan? Exactly, no plan. Doing nothing is a Republican specialty, just ask Moscow Mitch.
"oh yeah, the very burning issue in our election process of requiring presidential candidates submit 10 years of tax returns"
You may not care, but after Trump's bullshit, this needs to be made the law of the land. After all there are no qualifications for the job, just the right age and filthy rich. At least we'd like some assurance they are not a criminal and actually pay taxes like us little peons are supposed to.