Your death is the last opportunity for our capitalist world to sink their fangs into you. I remember a trip with my mom to the Mortuary to pick out a casket for my dad. Listening to the long solemn sales pitch I finally started laughing. I said to the somber salesman, "I sorry, but my dad would not be caught dead in one of those things. After all he is dead. He probably won't appreciate the satin lining and the soft pillow. He won't need Wifi of cable TV either in case that's your next pitch."
The mortuary industry can die a slow painful death for all I care. They are the final corporate parasite to prey on your corpse and the family you left behind.
Mourning begins when a friend or relative dies. To me it's a private thing that shuns crowds. I certainly don't need to hear the fairly tale that the deceased has gone off to a better place.
Any last words or respect is best conveyed while the person is still alive to hear it.