You've got to be kidding? You must mean like the democracy we created in Vietnam. We went to Afghanistan for revenge for 9/11, to kill bin Laden, kill the terrorists involved with 9/11 and deny an operating base for Al Qaeda. Nobody said anything about bringing democracy to Afghanistan. We were there 15 years too long as it is.
There were 2,448 American service members killed in Afghanistan, 3,846 U.S. contractors (still mostly Americans) in addition to 66,000 Afghan national military and police and 47,245 Afghan civilians. We even managed to kill 51,191 of the enemy. How many people must die for democracy to take root?
We created more wanna-be terrorists than we killed by occupying their country for so long.
When you occupy a country for so long you compromise many citizens who cooperate with the occupation. Just like the Hmong and Lao who guarded our air bases in Southeast Asia during the Vietnamese War. Now we owe the Afghans who helped us asylum because they are marked men in their own country, something the conservatives are already complaining about because they hate brown-skinned immigrants.
The US is not a sterling example of democracy anymore, not sure why anyone would want to be like us.